Issues Regarding USB Posted: 28 Jul 2011 04:44 AM PDT USB and do often make us dizzy, too, following rangkungan various problems often encountered with USB and surrounding areas. This summary takes from various media, problems, comments and so forth.
Problems are often faced include:
How do I know if I have a PC USB 2.0? For this issue I have discussed in previous posts, I'll just repeat a bit to find our USB speed. You can tell if your PC has Hi-Speed is not difficult. Open Device Manager and select the Universal Serial Bus. If there are components of "Enhanced" USB host controller berate your computer has USB 2.0. Specially if you are using Windows 98 to under his name may be different, because the system is not available to drivers for USB 2.0. To enable USB 2.0 in Windows 98 you have to install drivers from the manufacturer default. Currently there is a general manufacturer of USB maker is:
ALi (Acer Labs) Intelligence NEC SiS VIA nVidia
USB is detected as "unknown device" in Device Manager? Often we face problems when we plugged UNKNOWN DEVICE flasdisk or other media on our PC. Of the various possibilities of the subject bias problem caused one of the problems below, but also the bias of other factors that belom recognizable.
USB devices that plug may need resources / power supply from outside, check whether the power supply from outside the existing one, eg adapter / betray / resources in mabil of the other USB port.
Kalu this incident happened the first time (or on new PCs) may be due to incorrect assembly process on koneski USB port cable. In general, the cable that connects the USB port with the board there are 4 bauah Mobo (the color is usually red, white, green and black) that until one pair of all equipment plugged into the USB port does not work, even biased cause damage to your USB devices.
Defective Components, do not expect that all the goods we buy in good condition walaupn new stuff. Sometimes we buy it from the luggage bias occurs already have a disability. Maybe coincidence that the flaw is only USB 2.0 ports only. Kalu you are new goods and the installation process and completely still suffer from this constraint, we may suspect this condition.
All the driver has not installed perfectly, even though the driver instalai already worked perfectly, and the USB port has been detected properly, but sometimes there is a USB device when first connected to a computer requires a driver installation process is related to the USB port itself. Sometimes when the installation is still asking for the file source USB drivers in Windows XP master, in this case usually in the Windows XP CD used to install. So always provide sewaktu2 CD windowsnya when prompted during the installation of a USB device
How fast is USB 2.0? USB 2.0 can have up to 480 Mbps data rate, about 40 times faster than its predecessor the USB 1.1 only accommodate up to 12 Mbps only. Initially only has particularly USB 2.0 speeds around 240 Mbps.
Can USB 2.0 devices connected to the USB 1.1 port and vice versa? In principle the bias, just the speed will follow the pace of late from both sides.
They look good using a USB hub? We could use a USB hub, but we must pay attention to correct the functions and effects of the use of USB hubs |
Establish Information System Posted: 28 Jul 2011 04:32 AM PDT For seoarang executive (BOD / CEO, Head of, General Manager, ERP, Manager. Etc) make a plan to build the information system required a knowledge map of the steps or patterns that need to be taken regarding the cost and operational decisions. Just imagine there is MIS (Management Information System), ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning), e-commerce, Knowledge Management, Internet, Intranet Portals, LAN (Local Area Network), WAN (Wide Area Network), B2B, B2C, and so on another.
Actually if we segmentation, will be simple once an architecture of an enterprise information system that needs to be understood by the executive / management. An executive in management should pay more attention to Human Capital (Human Resources / HR) as a major asset, and not just a Cost Center.
In general there are four things that should be a major concern that need to be considered by a company executive. Namely:
1. Access the Internet / Intranet
Facilities access to the Internet / information, this could be the PC / Laptop, LAN, WAN, Hub / Switch Hub. Only this access facility that can be seen physically by the eye, the rest will be difficult to see using the eyes. Consequently people often think that by buying a PC / Laptop then all problems will be solved, but the IT infrastructure is a fraction of the solutions that must be considered by the Executive A / management.
2. Information Systems Applications
An information system that serves to optimize, mengeffisienkan and streamline a business process, namely in the form of database, management information systems shaped procedure (MIS), Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP), e-commerce. E-Learning, etc. MIS is indeed directed towards the efficiency of the company. If we begin to online systems of the company to the Internet should be reassured that the system that runs behind the scenes backroom was able to walk properly and optimally.
3. Corporate Competitiveness
Another system that has only recently been developed mainly in focus towards improving corporate kompetitiveness. Competitive ability of a company will be determined primarily by the level of mastery of knowledge and internal knowledge management company. Acceleration of the process of collecting, archiving, distribution, multiplication of knowledge recorded electronically will be key. Knowledge management is the key in the context kompetitiveness jargon.
4. Human Capital (Human Resources)
The last and most important is the human factor, often times we see humanity as one component of expenditure (cost / OPEX) of a system. In the current era of informatics, human factors are also factors that are very dominant and very important if we want to become a leader / leaders. Knowledge assets (Knowledge Asset) which was engraved in the Human Capital is the key success to become a pemimpn (leader), so not just a mere business process efficiency. |
Basic Concepts of Information Systems Posted: 28 Jul 2011 04:21 AM PDT The information is very important for management in decision making. Definition of system information is: a system within an organization that meets the needs of daily transaction processing, support operations, are managerial and strategic activities of an organization and provide certain external parties with the necessary reports. Another definition is the information system: framework that coordinates the resources (human and computer) to change inputs (inputs) into outputs (information) in order to achieve company goals.
1.4 Component Information System Information system component called the building blocks are: input block, the block model, the output block, technology block, blocks and blocks of control data base. The six The blocks interact with each other to form a single unit to achieve target. Block input represent the incoming data into information system, including methods and media to obtain data to be inserted, which can form the basis of documents.
Block model consists of a combination of procedures, logic and mathematical models that will manipulate / mentranspormasi input data and the data stored in the database to generate the desired output.
Block output product of the information system is the output of quality information.
Block technology is a tool box (tool-box) in information systems. The technology consists of three main parts technician (brainware), software (software) and hardware (hardware). Technicians can be people who know the technology and make it operate (computer operators, programmers, operators of data processing, telecommunications specialists, systems analysts). Software technology in the form software applications (programs). Hardware technology in the form of technological inputs (All devices used to capture data such as: keyboards, scanners, barcode), output technology (a device that can present information that is generated such as: monitors, printer), processing technologies (components of the CPU), storage technologies (all the equipment used to store data such as: magnetic tape, magnetic disk, CD) and technology telecommunication (technology that allows long-distance relationship as the Internet and ATM) Blocks databaseis a collection of related data files are organized in such a way as to can be accessed easily and quickly.
Block control Control needs to be designed and implemented to ensure that the things that can damage system can be prevented or if already an error occurs can be directly addressed. |
Types of Information Systems Posted: 28 Jul 2011 04:17 AM PDT Information systems developed for different purposes, depending on business needs.Information systems can be divided into several sections (Fig. 1):
1. Transaction Processing Systems (TPS) TPS is a computerized information system developed to process data in large quantities for routine business transactions such as payroll and inventory. TPS functioning at the level organization that enables organizations to interact with the external environment. Data generated by the TPS can be viewed or used by the manager.
2. Office Automation Systems (OAS) and Knowledge Work Systems (KWS) OAS and KWS works at the level of knowledge. OAS supports data workers, who usually do not creating new knowledge but only to analyze the information in such a way as to transform the data or memanipulasikannya certain ways before overall spread with the organization and sometimes outside the organization. Aspect-OAS aspects such as word processing, spreadsheets, electronic scheduling, and communication via voice mail, email and video conferencing. KWS supports professional workers such as scientists, engineers and doctors to help creating new knowledge and enable them contributed to the organization or community.
3. Management Information System (MIS)
SIM does not replace the TPS, but supports the spectrum of tasks of building a broader of TPS, including decision analysis and decision-makers. SIM produce information that used to make decisions, and can also petrified unify some functions of information businesses that have been computerized (database).
4. Decision Support Systems (DSS) DSS is similar to a SIM as it uses the database as a data source. DSS stems from SIM due emphasis on the function of supporting the decision makers throughout the stages, although the actual decisions remain the exclusive authority decision makers.
5. Expert System (ES) and Artificial Intelligence (AI) AI is intended to develop machines that function intelligently. Two ways to AI research is to understand natural language and analyze its ability to thinking through the problem until the conclusion logiknya. Expert systems using approaches AI thinking to solve problems and give the user through the business. Expert system (Also called knowledge-based systems) to effectively capture and use knowledge an expert to solve the problems experienced in an organization. In contrast to DSS, DSS left the final decision for the decision maker while the expert system selects the solution best against a particular issue. Basic components of expert system knowledge base is yaikni an interference engine that connects users to the system through processing questions via structured language and anatarmuka users.
6. Group Decision Support Systems (GDSS) and Computer-Support Collaborative Work Systems (CSCW)
If a group, need to work together to make a decision and not a semi-structured structured, then the group Decision support systems create a solution. GDSS is intended to bring groups together to solve the problem by providing assistance in the form opinions, questionnaires, consultations and scenarios. Sometimes called the CSCW GDSS that includes supporting software called "groupware" for team collaboration through computer connected to the network.
7. Executive Support Systems (ESS) ESS depends on the information produced by TPS and MIS and ESS help executives manage interaction with the external environment by providing graphics and communications support in places that can be accessed like an office. Examples of information systems, among others:
1. Flight reservation system, used in a travel agency to serve booking / ticket purchase. 2. Systems POS (Point Of Sale) is applied at the supermarket with a barcode reader support to speed up data entry. 3. Academic service system that allows students to obtain academic data and enroll in courses taken each semester. 4. Sales on credit systems that can monitor customer debt maturities. 5. Smart card system that can be used to determine the medical history of patients. 6. carry out the numerical computation, large-volume and high speed. 7. provide kominukasi within the organization or between organizations are cheap. 8. store information in a very large amount in a small space, but easily accessible. 9. allows accessing information that is very much around the world quickly and cheap. 10. improve the effectiveness and efficiency of the people who work in groups in a place or multiple locations. 11. automate business processes and tasks are done manually. 12. speed up typing and editing. 13. financing is cheaper than processing manually. |
function - the function of common PHP programming and MaySQL Posted: 28 Jul 2011 04:04 AM PDT STRING FUNCTIONS
String functions are used to manipulate the string to a wide range of needs. Here will discuss some string functions are often used in making program web application.
Used to add a backslash character (\) on a string. This important to use the query string to the database, eg in MySQL. Some characters will be added backslahses mark is one character quotes ('), picking two characters ("), backslash (\) and NULL characters.
addslashes (string) Stripslashes Used to remove the backslash character (\) on a string. Syntax:
string stripslashes (string) Crypt Used to encrypt the DES method of a string. This function is often used to randomize the password string before it is stored in the database. In use of the crypt function can be added to a string parameter 'salt'. Parameter 'salt' was added to determine the basis of randomization. 'Salt' string consists of two character. If the 'salt' string is not added to the PHP crypt function will determine their own 'salt' is a random string.
crypt (string [, salt])
Echo Used to print the contents of a string or argument. Syntax: echo (string argumen1, string argumen2, ....) Explode Used to break up a string based on a specific list separator and incorporate the results into an array variable.
Syntax: explode (string separator, string [, int limit])
$ Namahari = "week monday tuesday wednesday thursday friday saturday"; $ Days = explode ("", $ namahari); Implode The usefulness of this function is the opposite than the function explode. Function implode used to generate a string from each of the elements of an array. The resulting string is separated by a string has been determined previously.
Syntax: implode (string delimiter, array) Strip_tags Used to remove the code in a string of HTML tags.
Syntax: striptags (string [, string tags are not omitted]) Strlen Used to calculate the number of characters of a string. Syntax: strlen (string) Strpos Used to find the first position of a sub string in a string. This function usually used to find a sub string within a string.
Syntax: strlen (string, sub-string) Str_Repeat Used to repeat the content of a string.
Syntax: str_repeat (string, int number of iteration) StrToLower Used to convert a string to lowercase (lowercase). Syntax: strtolower (string) StrToUpper Used to convert a string to uppercase (uppercase)
Syntax: strtoupper (string) Substr Used to retrieve a sub-string with a certain length of a string in the certain positions as well.
Syntax: substr (string, int position, int position) Example: substr ("abcdefg", 0,3); / / mengasilkan string "abc" substr ("abcdefg", 3,2); / / generate string "de" SubStr_Count
Used to calculate the number of sub string within a string
substr_count (string, string substring)
Example: substr_count ("This is a test", "is"); / / generate a value of 2 UCFirst Used to replace the first character in a string to uppercase. Syntax: ucfirst (string) UCWords Used to replace the first character of each word in a string to uppercase.
ucwords (string) |
About Computer Networking Posted: 28 Jul 2011 03:56 AM PDT Computer Networking
For small-scale devices that can be used as a data communication medium is a computer network (Local Area Network), which can be developed using the technology even more into international networks (Internet) and this diera growing data communications with a variety of applications.
The characteristics of computer networks: 1. share of hardware (hardware). 2. sharing software (software). 3. shared communication channels (internet). 4. sharing of data with ease. 5. facilitate communication between network users. As for the main applications that run on computer networks in general are: • Electronic mail • Discussion / conferences electronically • Sending a file / file electronically • Access to distributed databases. • Facilities talnet to work on a remote computer. • And many more in accordance with its development. Computer Networking Type:
1.LAN (Local Area Network) 2.MAN (Metropolitan Area Network) 3.WAN (Wide Area Network) 4.Internet
Hardware needed in general:
The hardware needed to build a computer network, namely: Computers as either server or client, Network Card, Hub, and everything to do with network connections such as printers, CD-ROMs, scanners, Bridges, Routers and other data needed for the transformation process in the network.
Basic Computer Network Configuration: Every computer on a network as well as small-scale residential neighborhood to have the address of a computer is often called an IP address, using TCP / IP protocol for addressing a type of computer.
Here are a few utilities basic computer network configuration commands are:
To check whether a computer is connected properly on the network.
In general, to see the network configuration on a computer, for example to determine the host, ip address, subnet mask and others.
Search on a network routing network.
To find out the status of the network.
To find the IP address of a domain or site address. |
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